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Savings & Loans
BJK Savings
(1.) Massive Savings:
This is for people that are home and abroad based, 18 years and above can register. It's like a domiciliary account and any amount can be saved, 3.5% interest yields at every 3 months interval on the savings.

In order to join, new customer will need to download, print and fill our "
(8.) Massive Savings Form".

(2.) Cooperative Membership Savings:
This is for home based members. 18 years and above can register. Members can save weekly or monthly for 6 months to be entitled to twice their savings as loan.

In order to join, new customer will need to download, print and fill our "
(4.) Cooperative Consumer Form".

(3.) Membership Xmass Savings:
This is for our cooperative members only. 18 years and above can register. Members can save weekly or monthly for 6 months to be entitled to twice their savings as loan.

In order to join, new customer will need to download, print and fill our "
(9.) Membership Xmass Form".

(4.) Personal Xmass Savings:
To join, no age limit is required. Customer savings is accessible at any working hours and withdrawal is within 24 working hours. If withdrawals is not more than thrice in a year 2.5% interest would be added and if its otherwise, 2.5% would be deducted from the savings.

In order to join, new customer will need to download, print and fill our "
(9.) Membership Xmass Form".

All members are encourage to visit the news section all the time for information that may be useful to all members.

BJK Loans

Please note that all loan forms also require "Guarantor Form" and "KYC Verification Form". If member\customer has a loan running and another loan is required, they must fill our "Loan Top-Up Form". There is also "Loan Renewal Form" for those that want to start another loan almost immediately.

(1.) Consumer Minor Trader Loans:
This is for people that are low income earners, amount to be issued is
Processing duration is for
one week. Weekly repayment is #1,700 for 16weeks/4months.

In order to access this loan, customer will need to download, print and fill our "
(2.) CMT-CCT Loan Form".

(2.) Consumer Credit Trader Loans:
This is for people that are mid income earners, amount to be issued is
Processing duration is for
two weeks. Weekly repayment is #2,500 for 16weeks/4months.

In order to access this loan, customer will need to download, print and fill our "
(2.) CMT-CCT Loan Form".

(3.) Corporate Consumer Product Loans:
This is for people that are mid income earners, amount to be issued is
#40,000. and #50,000. Processing duration is for two weeks.
Weekly repayment for
#40,000 is #3,200.
Weekly repayment for
#50,000 is #4,000.

In order to access this loan, customer will need to download, print and fill our "
Cop Consumer Form".

(4.) Corporate Large Product Loans:
This is for people that are high income earners, amount to be issued is
#100,000. and above. Processing duration is for two weeks.

In order to access this loan, customer will need to download, print and fill our "
(4.) Cooperative Consumer Form".

(5.) Cooperative Request Loans:
This is for cooperative members only. Members that have registered are eligible for
twice their savings on loan, if they've saved for 6 months. Processing duration is for two weeks.

In order to access this loan, our member will need to download, print and fill our "
(3.) Cooperative Loan Request Form".

All members are encourage to visit the news section all the time for information that may be useful to all members.
Other BJK Services
(1.) Guarantor Undertaken:
This is a compulsory requirment specified for all financial institutions by CBN. 1 or 2 guarantors standing as 3rd party for loans are needed. Guarantor can either be from outside or BJK members attending meetings regularly.

In order to access this services, customer will need to download, print and fill our "
(5.) Guarantor Undertaken Form".

(2.) Loan Top-Up:
For customers that are on loan and want to request for another loan on top of their current loan.

In order to access this services, customer will need to download, print and fill our "
(7.) Loan Top-Up Form".

(3.) Loan Renewal:
Customer that have completed their previous loan repayments without any overdue or closure of accounts are entitled for loan renewal form.

In order to access this services, customer will need to download, print and fill our "
(6.) Loan Renewal Form".

(4.) KYC Verification:
This is a compulsory requirement specified for all financial institutions by CBN. BJK Global must carry out Know Your Customer services (KYC). Which include members and customer's verification, house address verification and business verification.

In order to access this services, customer will need to download, print and fill our "
(1.) Address-Verification-(KYC)-Form".

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